Review rules

1. All articles planned for publication in the journal undergo the procedure of anonymous review and approval by the editorial board.
2. When a manuscript is submitted to the editorial office, the editorial staff conducts its initial review and verification for compliance with the subject of the publication and the requirements for the design of manuscripts. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, the article is not accepted for consideration, the author is notified of this.
3. If the manuscript meets the formal requirements, the work is checked for plagiarism. In case of detection of incorrect borrowings, as well as in case of detection that the material was published earlier in other publications, the article is withdrawn from consideration, the author is notified about it.
4. If the publication complies with the above-mentioned formal requirements of the publication, the article is sent to the reviewer for review within three weeks after receipt by the editorial office. The author is informed that his article has been sent for review. The review preparation period may not exceed one month from the date of receipt of the manuscript to the reviewer.
5. The review procedure is anonymous for both the reviewer and the author.
6. The review is conducted confidentially. Reviewers and members of the editorial board must keep the reviewed material secret.
7. The reviewer may not be the author or co-author of the reviewed work, as well as scientific supervisors of applicants for an academic degree and employees of the department in which the author works.
8. At the request of the author, the editorial board of the journal sends him anonymous copies of reviews of the article provided by him.
9. Reviews are kept in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years.