"Acta Education" is an International scientific journal, registered by the Agency of Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a mass media on August 30, 2023, license No. 122187. ISSN: 3030-3141

The journal is founded by the Tashkent International University of Education.

Aims and scopes of the journal
Publication of the results of fundamental, theoretical and applied scientific research in the field of pedagogy and education, exact, technical and natural sciences, as well as various interdisciplinary areas.

Publication language
The journal and articles are published in Uzbek, English and Russian.

Open Access Policy
Issues of the journal and articles are open and free of charge. The published issues of the journal are located in the "Archive" section.

Review Policy
All articles submitted to the editorial office undergo the procedure of checking for plagiarism and blind review by specialized specialists.

Periodicity of publication
The journal is published every three months, four times a year. Additional and special issues of the journal may also be published by the decision of the editorial board.